Read Surah Yaseen(سورة يس) For Spiritual Health Benefits

Surah Yaseen is the 36 Surah in Quran Kareem with 83 ayat and placed in para 22 – 23. This Surah English means “Ya-seen”, you can download full Surah Yaseen PDF online which is published by Maktaba Tul Madinah. Reciting online Surah Yaseen PDF and Surah yaseen Translation with Tafseer is also possible for readers by downloading and saving files to their devices.

Surah Yaseen is well-thought-out a spiritual healing surah. Reciting it is believed to bring comfort, peace, and peacefulness to the heart and feeling. The surah is offer protection from evil, destruction, and bad dynamisms. Reciting it frequently can help zone off criminal powers. Surah Yaseen is believed to impart guidance, awareness, and knowledge to those who recite it often. Surah Yaseen is believed to transport success, wealth, and good luck to those who recite it habitually. said to appeal Allah’s pardon and pity. Reciting it can help searchers of pardon and pity. The Prophet Muhammad underlined the importance of reciting Surah Yaseen, promising huge rewards for those who do so. According to a Hadith, the Prophet said, “Whoever recites Surah Yaseen, Allah will reward him with the reward of reciting the Quran ten times.” (Tirmidhi) This Hadith underlines the implication of Surah Yaseen, promising Muslims to narrate it repeatedly to secure its rewards .The significance of Surah Yaseen is further highlighted by its role in protecting Muslims from sentence in the grave. The Prophet Muhammad said, “Whoever recites Surah Yaseen, Allah will protect him from sentence in the grave.” (Ibn Majah) This Hadith underscores the importance of Surah Yaseen in protection Muslims from the judgments and troubles of the afterlife..

Listen Audio of Surah Yaseen (سورة يس)

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Beautiful Recitation of Surah Yaseen

Introduction of Surah Yaseen

Located in22-23 Quran Para
Surah No36th
How many Words807
Ayats83 verses
Revelation PlaceMAKKAH

Surah Yaseen is one of the Surah in the Holy Book stated by the God of the east and the west, ALLAH. It was revealed in Makkah on Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to teach people that the Allah always supports his prophets and righteous servants. The ultimate success and joy is for those who obeys Allah with all their hearts.

The most significance of this Surah is to be the heart of the Holy Quran. It not only states the God’s sovereignty but also about the day of the resurrection. It is the 36th Surah of the Quran and contains 83 Ayat i.e. verses.

There are three parts of this surah, i.e. past, present and future. Undoubtedly, there are many reasons why this surah should be recited as it not only helps man pure his heart but also aids deceased to be relieved from his excruciating punishment in the grave. Surah e Yaseen carries spiritual benefits as well as connection with the Almighty.

Meaning and Theme of Surah Yaseen

Surah Yaseen main emphasis is on Tawheed that is about the oneness of God, i.e. Allah, the guidance that is Prophet, the resurrection i.e. hereafter and the overcome of all the affairs done in this world.

Oneness of GOD

A man must believe in Allah who is the creator of the universe and all the authority belongs to him. He is the one who should be obeyed and worshipped that is the root of Islam. The clues of his power are clearly visible everywhere in the world.

True Messenger

Surah Yaseen starts from an oath that Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the true messenger of Allah. It means a man has the message, messenger of Allah, the true way, guidance, the holy book and the destination.


Surah Yaseen also discusses the day when everyone will be resurrected and held responsible for everything he does in the world. The bad ones are warned of a taste of the hell and the believers are told about the rewards they will get in eternity.


The humanity has an extended message in Surah Yaseen. Allah invites people to his true path. The submission to his authority is the reason why man is created. Allah orders man to ask for mercy because he is the most merciful towards man. He loves human 70 times more than a mother.


Surah Yaseen calls man to think about the wisdom in the creation of the world. Everything that has come to life has a meaning. A man can reach the God by pondering in the universe.


It also challenges a man and a jin to bring even a verse like it which is truly impossible for both.

Importance of Surah Yaseen

surah yaseen spritual benefits

Surah Yaseen is said to be the heart of Quran because heart is the most important things in the body. This contains the gist of the all the holy text and has multiple rewards that’s why Islamic scholars recommend reciting it for worldly affairs as well as hereafter.

The reality and purpose of life and death are explained in the surah to awaken man from the sleep. It has impact on a person whether alive, dying or died.

Verses of the Surah was revealed on different occasion to teach people about the core of Islams as well as showing divine support to his prophets. It was when disbelievers tried to hurt the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) but Allah assured the truth to be clear.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said;

“Whoever recited Surah Yaseen at the night seeking Allah’s approval, Allah would forgive him.” 

On another occasion, holy prophet (peace be upon him) said;

“Recite Yaseen on those who are dying.”

Benefits of Surah Yaseen

surah yasin benefits

Surah Yasin is a Surah that every single Muslim in the world loves to recite.  Of course, we love the whole Quran but Surah Yasin has a special place in our hearts and there

is a reason for this in our famous books of hadith. There are at least five narrations or hadiths about the blessings of Surah Yasin. Perhaps the most famous of them is two different Hadith with two different chains in which the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is reported to have said that Yasin is the heart of the Quran both of these chains are slightly weak but put together the concept is authentic that Yasin is here. It means basically the summary it is the most important.

It is the literally in English the heart of the Quran. Everything has a heart and the Heart of the Quran is Yasin. There’s another hadith which is a weak one, it goes back to al-hasana is a great tabiri but he is narrating with a missing chain so there’s a missing reference in it. So at least said this whether it goes back to the process we don’t know it’s a slightly weak Hadith. However, in this Hadith, whoever recites Surah Yasin in one night meaning in one sitting his sins shall be forgiven so this is another blessing. Definitely the most authentic blessing of Surah Yasin.

As we the Muslims know this because we have multiple reports are telling to recite Surah Yasin over those that are about to pass away. Now, what is the message of Surah Yasin here is to ease the pain of the patient. Surah scene has an introduction, three parts, and a conclusion. 

So in the first part, we study the story of the past and in each of these stories we found the introduction and in the conclusion. There is one the meaning that is the theme of resurrecting the Dead. Yet, the theme of Allah’s power in being able to resurrect the dead and being prepared to meet Allah when we are resurrected that is the essential theme of Surah Yasin and by the way that is why we are supposed to recite Surah Yasin upon those that are about to die. This death is the bodily death your rule lives on so the purpose of Yasin to be recited on the dying one is actually it may makes the road easy to depart because the rule is being told you’re going to live forever does not die.

What is the best time to read surah Yaseen?

Reciting Surah Yaseen at specific times is believed to boost its benefits and spiritual importance. Here are some suggested times:

1. After  Fajr  (Dawn) Prayer:
Reciting Surah Yaseen after Fajr prayer is considered favorable, conveying spiritual growth, mercy, and protection

2. Before Sleep:
Reciting Surah Yaseen before sleep is believed to Get peace and serenity . It Protects from bad dreams and evil feelings. Grant a blessed and soothing sleep.

3. During Night Prayer (Tahajjud):
Surah Yaseen rises spiritual energy and devotion. Gets forgiveness and humanity. It develop connection with Allah.

4. During Ramadan:
Reciting Surah Yaseen Increases rewards and sacred sign during the blessing month of Ramadan. It Rises spiritual growth and piety. Gets forgiveness and mercy.

5. On Fridays:
Reciting Surah Yaseen on Fridays. Brings blessings and success in life .Grants security and forgiveness. Allah showers blessings on reciters of Quran at the blessed day .

6. During Stress or Difficulty:
Reciting Surah Yaseen during challenging times. Brings peace, comfort, and relief. Rises faith and belief in Allah. Surah yaseen have many spiritual and physical health benefits. It relaxes soul and mind.

7. After Funeral Prayers:
Reciting Surah Yaseen after funeral prayers gets wellbeing to the heartbroken family. Grants mercy and pity to the deceased. It delivers eternal peace and easiness in their eternal journey.

8. During Hajj and Umrah:
Reciting surah during Hajj  can bring a enormous reward and sacred sign to Akhirah. Pilgrims recite surah Yasin for improved spiritual relation with Allah during their blessed journey.

How many times should I recite surah yaseen a day?

 There is no specific condition or restriction in Islam about how many times Surah Yaseen should be narrated in a day. However, reciting it with honesty and understanding is encouraged, as the Quran is a source of leadership, blessings, and peace.

Common Practices and Features:

  1. Daily Recitation: Some people make it a routine to recite Surah Yaseen daily, particularly in the dawn or after Fajr prayer, as it is said to bring sacred sign and ease the day’s tasks.
  2. For Specific Needs: It is frequently recited when seeking Allah’s help in rewarding specific wishes, for the period of difficulty, or to seek pity and mercy.
  3. Prophetic Encouragement: A hadith reported in Sunan Ibn Majah (though discussed in terms of validity) suggests that Surah Yaseen is the “heart of the Quran” and that reciting it with meaning brings rewards.

Key Considerations:

  • Quality Over Quantity: It is better to recite understandingly and with thoughtful rather than focus specially on repetition.
  • Consistency: Regular recitation, even once a day, with likeness on its meanings and application, can be more spiritually advantageous.

Facts About Surah Yaseen

Spiritual Significance:

It is the heart of the Holy Quran due to its profound themes and messages. Reciting Surah Yaseen is believed to bring great rewards to the believer, including the removal of worries, forgiveness and protection from various afflictions.
Reference: “The Holy Quran”, Surah Yaseen (36:1-83)

Healing Properties:

Many Muslims believe in the healing power of Surah Yaseen both physically and emotionally. Reciting it for the sick or deceased, results in providing comfort and aid in recovery.

Reference: “Sahih al-Bukhari”, Book 71, Hadith 6413

Protection from Evil Forces:

There are many benefits of reciting and listening Surah Yaseen. People read to get protection from all type of evils. Reciting Surah Yaseen is a shield against evil forces and negative powers.

Reference: “Sahih al-Bukhari”, Book 71, Hadith 6648

Amplification of Dua (Supplication):
If Surah Yaseen is recited before a supplication (dua), it amplifies the acceptance of prayers. Incorporating the recitation of Surah Yaseen into their dua increases the likelihood and trust of their prayers is being answered by Allah very soon.
Reference: “Sunan Ibn Majah”, Book 5, Hadith 3869

Comfort in Times of Grief:
When the believers recite Surah Yasin during times of grief and mourning, its verses let the reciter experience solace. Meanwhile reminding them of the transient nature of worldly life and the promise of divine mercy in the world and hereafter.
Reference: “Sahih al-Bukhari”, Book 71, Hadith 6382

Encouragement of Regular Recitation:
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) encouraged his companions to recite Surah Yaseen regularly. He keep urging believers to incorporate it into their daily life in order to experience its virtues and the benefits for spiritual enrichment and guidance.
Reference: “Sahih al-Bukhari”, Book 76, Hadith 4423


Surah e Yaseen is the heart of Holy Quran leading towards prestigious path for the believers to experience the spiritual beacons of solace, healing and protection from adversities.
Amplify your prayers through Surah e Yaseen’s PDF version that assures to maintain your focus and protects you from distraction of irrelevant advertisements that usually hinder when reciting or listening online. Enrich your regular recitation to foster deeper connection towards inner peace and enlightment. You can recite surah yaseen pdf with translation in the start of your day with other islamic duas like Manzil Dua, Dua e Masura.


This Surah explains the basic theme of the Quran that  ALLAH is the sole creator of the universe and guides us to righteous life in a meaningful and powerful way.

The one who reads this Surah daily gets bleedings, ease in daily affairs, and seeks the protection of Allah Tallah in his daily routine.

It can be read at any time of the day, but most people read it in the morning, in times of hardship, and for the deceased.

 You can divide Surah into a few small sections, recite each section many times a day, listen to the audio consistently, and review it daily.

This word is one of the Muqatta’at, whose meanings are known only by ALLAH Subhan Tallah.

To recite Surah with Tajweed and Arabic language is encouraged, but if someone does not know Arabic, then he or she can read its translation.