Miraculous Spiritual Powers of Surah Yaseen

Miraculous Spiritual Powers of Surah Yaseen

There are various Hadiths and Riwayats narrated evidencing the powerful benefits of Surah-e-Mubaraka-Yaseen impacting in all aspects of life. You and I are surrounded by many difficulties and constraints these days, but Allah (SWT) has promised that there is no problem without solution. Being Muslim following Muhammad-o-Al-e-Muhammad, you shouldn’t be worry about the problem when…

Exploring Early 22 Verses of Surah-e-Yaseen in the Lens of Modern Scientific Research and Study’

According to research, heart is the vital organ that pumps the blood throughout the network of arteries and veins to keep your body going. What if your stops to work? You are no more! Right? Though Quran is itself a miracle and Surah-e-Yaseen, the 36th chapter of the Quran is referred to as a heart…