surah yaseen spritual benefits

Miraculous Spiritual Powers of Surah Yaseen

There are various Hadiths and Riwayats narrated evidencing the powerful benefits of Surah-e-Mubaraka-Yaseen impacting in all aspects of life.

You and I are surrounded by many difficulties and constraints these days, but Allah (SWT) has promised that there is no problem without solution. Being Muslim following Muhammad-o-Al-e-Muhammad, you shouldn’t be worry about the problem when you have so many appropriate solutions.

Allah (SWT) has bestowed innumerable blessings to Muhammad-o-al-e-Muhammad. They have so much treasure that if they would keep distributing it as equal to the world even then the treasure of wisdom and knowledge would never get less. Although, the aspects are easy to remember to have a peaceful life.

8 Miraculous Benefits of Surah-e-Yaseen:

The beneficial aspects of this Surah-e-Yaseen has been shared by Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) at many different occasions and moments in his life. Once Hazrat Muhammad(S.A.W) shared the 10 powerful benefits of recting Surah-e-Yaseen with Hazrat Ali (A.S).

Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) narrated:

1- If someone is hungry and wants bread from God, he should recite Surah Yasin. Allah will provide him sustenance in his life.

2- If someone is thirsty and need water, if he will recite Surah-e-Yaseen, Allah(SWT) will provide him sustenance and Allah(SWT) will arrange ways to  quench his thirst.

3- If a person doesn’t have resources to buy neat and tidy attires and has old torn clothes, ask him to recite Surah Yaseen, Allah(SWT) will open ways and lend him clothes to wear.

4-If a person is a prisoner, ask him to recite Surah Yaseen and pray to Allah(SWT), he will be released from the prison.

5- If a man has lost his way, if he wants to seek the right way, there might be a doubt when using Google, but if he will recite Surah-e-Yasin, he will surely will be headed towards the right path. Yes, Google may guide wrong at times, but Surah-e-Yasin will surely guide the right way. In a nut shell, if a person has lost his way and doesn’t even have access to the internet, ask him to recite Surah-e-Yaseen, he will surely get access to the right track.

6– If a person is sick and wants to be cured, if he recites Surah Yasin and pray for his recovery, Allah(SWT) will not only provide cure but will further remove the causes of his illness and grant him permanent healing.

7- If a person doesn’t have a spouse and is in search of a faithful spouse, seek help from Allah(SWT) by recitnig Surah-e-Yaseen, and he will surely be blessed with the loyal spouse. As reciting Surah Yasin will establish the foundation of marriage.

8- If someone wants forgiveness for his death, Allah makes the path of Paradise easy for him through Surah Yaseen.

  1. Verse 68 of Surah Yasin is very useful for removing financial problems.

Benefits of Recitation after Namaz-e-Fajr:

The importance of reciting Surah Yasin after Fajr prayer is so great that even today Ayatollah Waheed Khorasani recites Surah Yasin after every Fajr prayer and says that the reward of this should be given to Hazrat Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her).

Whether a man or a woman, a boy or a girl, who is unmarried, scholars also say in this regard, Ayatollah Abdul Karim Kashmiri used to say that if he or she recite Surah Yasin and make an offering in the service of Imam Taqi Jawad, then in this way, I have seen all wishes fulfilled.

so if Surah Yasin is recited and offered to Imam Taqi Jawad and Bibi Sayedah Salamullah Silla, then all benefits and blessings will be obtained.

Importance of Surah-e-Yaseen Recitation For Kids:

Parents should recite Surah Yaseen to their children once a week because one of its major benefits is that it has a great effect on improving memory and mind.

Allama Majlisi has written that if Surah Yasin verse 42 is recited 30 times after the Isha prayer, then one will be blessed with the visitation of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in a dream.

Many parents worry about their babies crying a lot. Scholars say that if verse number 73 of Surah Yasin is written and tied to the baby, it will stop crying for no reason.

Angels of Surah-e-Yaseen:

Another important thing. Scholars say that there is an angel assigned to each verse of the Holy Qur’an, but in Surah-e-Yaseen, there are ten angels assigned to each verse of this surah. These angels seek forgiveness the moment a person start reciting Surah Yaseen.

On the Day of Judgement:

Another miraculous feature of Surah Yaseen is that as much as it is recited, it becomes a friend of the reciter and then stays with him as a friend in the grave, Qiyamah, bridge of Sarat and Paradise.


By reciting Surah Yasin once, one gets the reward of 10 complete Quran.

Shield Against the Enemies:

Surah Yasin has 83 verses and each verse has its own special feature and benefits. It also protects from internal and external enemies.

Once the infidels surrounded the house of the Messenger of Allah, Gabriel came down and said that you go out of the house reciting Surah Yasin. The Prophet started reciting Surah Yasin without anyone seeing him.

There was a scholar who used to tell his students to recite Surah Yaseen before going to sleep. Also recite Darood 14 times before and after Surah, Scholars used to say that by reciting this, the reciter will receive blessings beyond his imagination.

Recovery of Lost Thing or Person:

Ameerul Momineen Imam Ali (A.S) prescribed two rakat prayers for the recovery of lost things, in which in each rakat Surah Al-Hamd is followed by Surah Yaseen. After this prayer, there will be chances of returning the lost thing or person.

Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says that if Surah Yasin is written with honey and its water is washed and given to a leprosy patient, he will be cured.

Peace In Home:

By the way, nowadays there are fights in every house. So scholars say that if a person recites verse 37 of Surah Yasin 30 times daily, his opposing relatives will end their opposition.

Summing it up, according to each verse of Surah Yasin, there are different types of actions within it. There is a separate verse for avoiding poverty, a separate verse for the crying of a child, a separate verse for opponents.

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