surah yaseen 7 mubeen

How to Read Surah Yaseen with 7 Mubeen

The Wazifa of 7 Mubeens (مبین) in Surah Yaseen

The Wazifa of Surah Yaseen with 7 Mubeen is a standard spiritual practice used by some Muslims for definite purposes such as try to find blessings, fulfillment of wishes, or solving difficulties. The word “Mubeen” (مبین), which means “perfect” or “visible,” seems seven times in Surah Yaseen. While not clearly given in Islamic texts, this practice is founded on traditional beliefs in the spiritual authority of these definite words when recited with trust and meaning.

Steps to Read the 7 Mubeen Wazifa:

1. Preparation:

               Make sure you are in a state of cleanliness (perform Wudu).

 Assemble in a clean and noiseless place, if possible facing the Kiblah.

Begin with a honest intention (Niyyah) for your definite purpose (e.g., relief from snags, healing, or a special need).

2. Opening Supplications:

 Recite “Durood Sharif”(e.g., Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammadin Wa Ala Aali Muhammad) 3, 7, or 11 times.

3. Recitation of Surah Yaseen with Focus on “Mubeen”:

  1. Start reciting Surah Yaseen from the beginning.
  2. When you reach the first occurrence of the word “Mubeen”, pause, and make your dua (supplication) with attention        and honesty.
  3. Carry on reciting until the next “Mubeen”, break in proceedings again, and make another dua.
  4. Repeat this at each of the seven “Mubeen” occurrences in Surah Yaseen.
  5. After completing the full Surah, you may repeat any supplementary duas or attention on your chief request to      Allah.

4. Closing Prayers:

Complete by reciting Durood Sharif again (3, 7, or 11 times).
Make a wholehearted dua asking Allah for what you seek, with complete trust on Him.

  Common Purposes for the Wazifa:

1. Solving financial complications.

2. Healing from disorders or try to find health.

3. Success in activities such as exams, effort, or marriage proposals.

4. Shelter from harm and negative powers.

5. Spiritual peacetime and connection with Allah.

Important lessons of Yaseen Sharif:

 It offers several lessons that are energetic for a believer’s spiritual and useful life. Here are three chief lessons from Surah Yaseen:

Key Verse:
“Glory be to Him in Whose hand is the dominion of all things, and to Him you will be returned.” (36:83)
Surah Yaseen recaps us of the inevitability of death and rebirth. It highlights that life is impermanent and that all human beings will coming back to Allah for answerability. This works as a call to mirror on our actions, list the hereafter, and live with a sense of purpose and accountability.

Key Verse:
“And a sign for them is the dead earth: We give it life and bring forth grain from it, and they eat from it.” (36:33)
The Surah highlights Allah’s matchless power in creating and filling the universe, using samples such as the renewal of infertile land with rain and the rotations of the sun and moon. These signs sustain Allah’s oneness (Tawheed) and inspire thankfulness and trust in His wisdom and strategy.

Key Verse:
“Follow those who do not ask of you [any] payment, and they are [rightly] guided.” (36:21)
Surah Yaseen recounts the story of a town that forbidden its messengers, most important to their destruction. This emphasizes the importance of heeding divine help through prophets and scriptures. It teaches us to keep on steadfast in faith, follow the truth, and avoid overconfidence and rejection of Allah’s signs.


Surah Yaseen is the heart of Our Holy Quran. You can read surah Yaseen when ever you want, any time and place. Many Muslims learn by heart this Surah. It always helps you and gives you strength and power to overcome your troubles in this life But also will help you in the other world after death. Being a Muslim ,Read and learn Surah to get spiritual benefits here and after. Allah gives or exceeds rewards of good deeds in Ramadan. So keep it in mind and recite reqularly during Ramadan

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